Monday, April 11, 2011

April 1, 2010. One year later

Athens, Greece was a place we can mark off our list.  Much like Morocco, I don't know that we'll ever go back to Athens specifically.  I wouldn't mind visiting the Greek islands (ie. Santorini or Mykonos) but Athens...probably not.  Not that it was a bad place and not that we didn't appreciate all we were able to see.  But the cruise before us had to re-route their trip to Athens because of the economic uproar they were experiencing.  And honestly, the city itself is pretty dirty.  There's a lot of grafitti and trash inside the city.  Nothing like I expected.

With that said, we were able to get some pretty amazing pictures:

For us, it was hard to appreciate Athens when we had seen the incredible architecture in Rome just 2 days earlier.  And as Christians, the landmarks in Rome spoke to us more.  After we left Athens, we found ourselves saying that we had just paid money to see "a bunch of rocks."  Unfortunately, the city just didn't leave a lasting impression on us.  This was pretty disappointing because I had expected so much of Athens.

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