Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bulldawg Bound

Davis-Wade Stadium every Saturday during Fall
Our good friends Clark and Valerie invited us to go with them to Starkville this weekend to see MY Bulldawgs play the other Bulldogs this Saturday. When the opportunity arose, we of course accepted! I have not been back to Starkville in years so I'm excited to see how it has all changed. I probably shouldn't prepare to get too excited because it more than likely will depress me once I see all the changes that have happened since I was in school there...over 5 years ago! Aaahhh. Age aside...I do love all of the new construction they've done since I've been gone. The campus looks so much better since I left. I can't imagine what my dad's reaction is to the campus every time he visits Starkville! Probably feels like a completely different school to him now.

Old Waverly Golf Club  West Point, MS
 More than likely MY Bulldawgs will lose and the other Bulldogs will win on Saturday. But we're there for the good times. We plan to eat lunch/dinner/cocktails at Old Waverly in West Point, MS.  They say it's really nice.  In the 4 years I lived there, I never visited Old Waverly because it is a members-only country club.  And of course we weren't members.  Excited to eat and drink and then head to the game.  To finally ring a cowbell!  Well, legally anyways :)

Look for pics to come.  I feel 19 again when I step on that campus.  Then I look around at the REAL 19-year-olds and quickly am reminded I'm not 19 :)  But regardless of the outcome of the game....GO STATE!

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